MPI update the information of China Registration of Food Manufacturers


On December 21, 2021, New Zealand’s Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) updated F58/21: China Registration of Food Manufacturers. Some of the main contents are as follows:

1. GACC has advised that when making an import declaration, the manufacturer’s GACC registration number should be filled in the certificate column of "Registration of Overseas Production Enterprises of imported Food" under the "Product Qualification" item of the customs declaration form (license type code 519).

2. MPI understands that the format of the GACC registration number is an 18-digit number, as follows for New Zealand manufacturers: CNZL + xxxx (4-digit number indicating product category) + yymmdd (6 digits indicating date of completion of GACC registration) + zzzz (4-digit serial number), ie CNZLxxxxyymmddzzzz

3. MPI understands that food consignments that arrive at China ports or that have started shipment from New Zealand before 1 January 2022 are subject to the original registration regulations and are not affected by the new Decree 248 requirements.

4. once MPI has received the GACC registration numbers and user account details, this information will be distributed to the relevant operators.

a) MPI will prioritise advising the GACC registration number for import declarations where the consignment is leaving New Zealand between 1 January and 15 January 2022. Urgent enquiries about GACC registration numbers should be sent to market.access@mpi.govt.nz.

b) Between 25 December 2021 and 5 January 2021, the market.access@mpi.govt.nz inbox will be monitored daily (on weekdays), with attention given only to urgent enquiries, ie ones that if unanswered will result in clearance of an export shipment being delayed, or urgent issues needing market access input.

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