Australia Changes the inspection of some imported food

On December 1, the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (AWE) issued the imported Food Notice-IFN 06-21 "Changes to the inspection of some imported food", advise importers and brokers that the imported Food Control Order 2019 was amended.

Key points

• Amended the imported Food Control Order 2019 (the Order) to update food that is classified as risk food:

Kava products are classified as risk food consistent with risk advice provided by Food Standards Australia New Zealand.

The descriptions for current risk foods, ready-to-eat berries and ready-to-eat pomegranate arils have been updated to clarify these as either fresh or frozen, or dried. This will allow these foods to be regulated according to their characteristics and accompanying risk. This change will reduce regulatory impact for importers of dried, ready-to-eat berries from 9 November 2022, as only fresh or frozen berries and pomegranate arils, that are ready-to-eat and not retorted, will require a food safety management certificate to be imported.

• Extended the commencement date for certain bivalve molluscs and bivalve mollusc products that must be covered by a recognised foreign government certificate by twelve months, to 9 November 2023. Refer to bivalve molluscs and bivalve mollusc products for further information.

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