Russia revises safety standards for meat and meat products


On January 31, 2022, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture issued a draft revision of the meat and meat products safety standard (TRCU034/2013). The main contents include:

(1) Paragraph 17 should be supplemented with the following: "The actual indicators of protein and fat in meat products for infant consumption shall not exceed the permissible levels specified in Appendix 4."

(2) Paragraph 106 should be stated as follows: "The labelling of meat and meat products must comply with the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union "Food Labeling" (TRCU022 /2011), and the requirements of technical regulations specified in paragraphs 107-126 of this standard. The allowable limits for the actual value of the nutritional content when labeling the nutritional value of meat and meat products are: Protein - At least 80% of the value indicated on the product label; Fat, Carbohydrate, Energy Values - Not to exceed 120% of the value indicated on the product label".

The feedback period for this draft is until February 28, 2022.

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