Mongolia plans to formulate 2 national standards for food testing methods

Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology蒙古技术标准局 .png

On September 16, 2022, the Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology issued notices on Standards 445 and 446, soliciting comments on two draft national standards for food testing methods. Specifically as follows :


(1) Standard for detection of somatic cell number in milk (MNSISO13366-1:2022), specifically is microscopic counting method;


(2) Milk and milk products (including milk, yogurt, cream, condensed milk, milk powder and other products) iron content detection method standard (MNSISO6732:2022), specifically is atomic absorption spectrometry, detection limit of 0.02mg/kg (milk), etc.


The comment period for the above draft standards ends on October 17, 2022.


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