On September 20, 2022, the Food Safety Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) issued a draft amendment to the Food Labeling and Display Regulations with a 60-day comment period. The main contents of the draft include:
(1) Newly added Front-of-Pack Nutritional Labeling (FOPNL) and definition of high fat/sugar/salt food on food packaging;
(2) If food raw materials contain fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and millet, the content percentage should be marked in the ingredients list;
(3) The content of dietary fiber per 100g or 100mL is added to the food nutrition label information;
(4) Newly added Indian Nutrition Rating(INR) section, including reference factors for rating (energy, total sugar, saturated fat, sodium), score icon style in label, INR score calculation method, and food categories exempted from FOPNL.
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