Denmark issues dairy executive order

DVFA Danish Veterinary and Food Administration - Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries 丹麦兽医和食品管理局.png

On September 20, the Danish Veterinary and Food Authority issued the Executive Order on Dairy Products, which sets out the requirements for the production, composition and labeling of dairy products and will take effect from October 10, 2022.


The Order is a total of 12 chapters, mainly including the applicable scope, dairy products (cheese, cheese products, butter, canned milk, some of the milk protein (casein and casein acid salt), non-acidified liquid dairy products and acidified dairy products) standards, the issuing agency of export license, penalty, effective date. Specified that food including other milk products is allowed in the production of dairy products, provided that the food does not change the nature of the milk product. If a different type of milk than cow's milk is used in the production process, the type of milk (including cow's milk) and its percentage content must be stated in the product label.


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