EU seeks comments on additional regulations banning the use of certain antimicrobials in animals or products of animal origin exported from third countries


On December 6, 2022, the European Commission published the draft enabling regulation - Ares (2022) 8453372, seeking comments on the supplementary Regulation (EU) 2019/6 "The European Parliament and the Council on the prohibition of the export of animals or products of animal origin from third countries to the EU ", and the feedback period is from December 6, 2022 to January 3, 2023. Major additions include:

(1) The Regulation sets out detailed rules for the prohibition of the use of antimicrobial medicinal products intended to promote growth and yield and antimicrobial medicinal products intended to treat certain human infections in animals or products of animal origin exported from third countries to the EU;

(2) This Regulation applies to live food animals for which a combined nomenclature code ("CN code") is specified in Part 2, Chapter 1, Annex I of Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87; also applies to Part II, Chapter 2 of Annex I Products of animal origin intended for human consumption for which CN codes are specified in Chapters 5, 15 and 16, and products under headings 3501, 3502 and 3504. Not applicable to the following situations: gelatin and its production raw materials mentioned in point 1, Chapter 1, Section 14, Annex III, Regulation (EC) No853/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council; (EC) No853/2004 Annex III, tenth Collagen and its production raw materials as mentioned in point 1, Chapter 1, Section 5; highly refined products as mentioned in Point 1, Chapter 1, Chapter 1, Annex III of (EC) No853/2004; wild animals and their derivative products; insects , frogs, snails and reptiles, including products derived therefrom; composite products; animals or animal products not intended for human consumption, unless the destination of the animals or products has not been determined at the time of accession to the EU; animals or animals intended for human consumption products of animal origin, intended only for transit through the EU without placing them on the market; products of animal origin intended for human consumption, samples for product analysis and quality testing, without placing them on the market;

(3) Restrictions on the use of certain antimicrobials on animals entering the EU or on products derived therefrom. Animals and products exported from third countries to the EU must not be used in, nor derived from, animals that have been treated with any of the following: antimicrobial medicinal products intended to promote growth or increase production; antimicrobial medicinal products containing antimicrobial agents, which Medicines containing ingredients included in the list of antimicrobial medicines prescribed in Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2022/1255 for the treatment of certain infections in humans;

(4) Supplemented list of approved third countries, certificate of compliance, dizziness requirements, etc.;

(5) Entry into force and application The regulation shall come into force on the twentieth day after its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. The conditions for the consignment of animals or products into the Union set out in this enabling act shall apply 24 months from the date of implementation of the implementing act referred to in Article 6(1). The Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in the Member States.

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