13 kinds of Vietnamese fruits were exported to China through official trade channels


So far, Vietnam has exported 13 kinds of fruits to China through official trade channels, including bird's nest, sweet potato, dragon fruit, longan, rambutan, mango, jackfruit, watermelon, banana, mangosteen, lychee, durian and passion fruit.

In addition to the 7 kinds of fruits exported in the traditional way and the 5 kinds of fruits exported in the way of signing the agreement, at present, Vietnam's fresh peppers, passion fruit, etc. are also temporarily exported to China. Other agricultural products for export that are continuing to be consulted include pomelo, custard apple, coconut, lotus mist, and pure-bred Vietnamese oranges.

However, there are currently many changes in policies in the Chinese market, such as strict monitoring of cross-border products, especially border trade and small informal transactions. At the same time, the Chinese side requires market entry consultations for each product, and plans to renegotiate and sign export protocols for eight traditionally exported fruits, adopting management methods similar to those of mangosteen and durian.

In addition to fresh and processed fruits and vegetables, bird's nest products that have recently been approved to be exported to China through official trade channels show that the possibility of an increase in export value will quickly materialize. According to the Animal Husbandry Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam, the bird's nest industry in Vietnam currently has many development opportunities and potential high economic value.

Currently, there are 22,087 bird's nests in Vietnam, and the production of bird's nest is over 120 metric tons, with a value of about 450 million U.S. dollars. China has a huge demand for bird's nest imports. The opening of the Chinese market to the official import of Vietnamese bird's nest is the driving force for Vietnamese manufacturers to invest in large-scale and more concentrated production. According to this, such products are also expected to quickly join the list of Vietnam's agricultural export products worth billions of dollars.

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