Another province of The Philippines joined the list of durian exporters to China


According to BusinessWorld Philippines, officials from Cotabato Province announced that they have joined the list of durian exporters to China, following the nearby city of Davao.

The first batch of 18 tons of durian was shipped to China on April 6, with Governor Mendoza attending the export ceremony. Mendoza stated that Cotabato Province is among the top 10 producers of rice, corn, rubber, bananas, and coconuts in the Philippines, and that local durian production will be part of the Department of Agriculture's five-year industry development plan for the Davao office.

The plan includes increasing technical support, providing high-quality planting materials and other agricultural inputs to growers, and establishing post-harvest facilities, according to Davao District Governor Abel James I. Monteagudo.

Jose D. Cubol, a director of the Davao Durian Industry Association, stated that the durian exported to China is priced at 85 pesos per kilogram, which is more than five times the domestic price in the Philippines.

Mr. Monteagudo is optimistic about durian exports to China. He also believes durian exports will pave the way for other agricultural exports. "We hope that more locally produced fruits, including coconuts and bananas, will also be shipped to China in the coming months," he said.

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