Foodmate was invited by IFSA to give a keynote speech on Food Safety Symposium




From May 10, 2023 to May 12, 2023, the HOFEX was successfully held at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre. As one of the top international catering and hotel equipment trade exhibitions in Asia, HOFEX has a history of 36 years. Committed to introducing the world's top catering products and services to Asia, it is an excellent trading platform for Chinese catering and food enterprises, as well as hotel suppliers, to enter Hong Kong market and also go further to the world.

IFSA(国际食品安全协会)于5月12日在展会中组织题为FOOD SAFETY IN TODAY'S WORLD CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS的座谈会。此次食品安全座谈会上,IFSA协会及港澳地区业内知名嘉宾发表了关于FSSC 22000 (ISO22000, PRPs) 食品安全管理系统、提高食品安全的先进包装材料、瓶装水和自来水中的微塑料等多篇话题演讲。作为国内外食品行业知名食品咨询服务公司,食品伙伴网受邀参与此次座谈,并分享了主题为《中国食品进出口法规要求》的英文演讲,精彩的演讲一度吸引了展会观众的关注,现场气氛十分活跃。


IFSA (International Food Safety Association) organized a Food Safety Symposium at the exhibition on 12 May, whose theme is FOOD SAFETY IN TODAY'S WORLD CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS. At the Food Safety Symposium, IFSA experts and well-known guests from the food industry in Hong Kong and Macao delivered several speeches on FSSC 22000 (ISO22000, PRPs) Food Safety Management System; Advanced Packaging Materials for Enhancing Food Safety; Microplastics from Bottled and Tap Water, etc. As a well-known food consulting service company in the food industry at home and abroad, Foodmate was invited to participate in the symposium and delivered an English speech entitled "China import and Export Food Regulation Requirements". The wonderful speeches attracted the attention of the audience and lit up the atmosphere on the scene. 

食品伙伴网发言嘉宾Windy Zhang拥有丰富的理论知识及实操经验,在演讲中深入浅出地介绍了国内法规变化、中国的进口及出口相关法规。以专业的论述为参会嘉宾提供了清晰的国内食品进出口贸易相关法规监管脉络,为相关从业人员理清思路,获得了场内外观众的一致好评。


Windy Zhang, the speaker of Foodmate, has rich theoretical knowledge and practical experience. In her speech, she introduced recent regulatory changes highlight and relevant laws and regulations of import and export of China in a simple but profound way. The professional expression provided the participants with a clear regulatory framework of China’s food import and export trade regulations, clarified the thoughts of relevant practitioners, and won unanimous praise from the audience inside and outside the venue.




After the meeting, Foodmate communicated with many industry insiders, listened carefully to the problems they encountered in the process of trade with mainland China and actively provided them with solutions. Foodmate also looks forward to establishing deeper cooperation with them in the near future.

食品伙伴网作为国内外食品行业的知名平台,我们积极参与各种专业展会与会议,并进行知识分享,同时依靠Global Foodmate的平台做免费FORESIGHT webinar系列直播课传播法规知识,我们期待有更多的机会可以对外分享专业法规知识,为更多业内朋友答疑解惑,助力国内外企业扩大业务范围,积极走进来和走出去。


As a well-known platform in the food industry at home and abroad, we actively participate in various professional exhibitions and conferences to share knowledge. At the same time, we also rely on Global Foodmate's platform to conduct free live streaming on the FORESIGHT webinar series for legal knowledge dissemination. We look forward to having more opportunities to share professional knowledge of laws and regulations, answer questions for more friends in the industry, help domestic and foreign enterprises to expand their business scope, and actively come in and go out.

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