How much do you know about 2-fucosyllactose


As breast milk is the most natural, safe, and complete natural food for infant growth, HMO (human milk oligosaccharide) is the third richest solid component in human milk (next to fat and lactose), and 2′-fucosyllactose (2'-FL) is the highest content among over 200 discovered HMOs, Foodmate will take you to learn about 2′-fucosyllactose today.

  • What is 2′-FL

2'-fucosyllactose, abbreviated as 2'-FL, has a molecular weight of 488.44, CAS number 41263-94-9, chemical formula C18H32O15, and production methods include chemical, enzymatic,and microbial fermentation. 2'-FL is one of the most abundant oligosaccharide in human milk, accounting for about 30%. It also exists in milk of pig, cow and other animals.

  • 2'-FL structure

2'-fl is a non-reducing trisugar composed of lactose and L-fucose. The reducing end of the fucose is connected to a lactose, and the non-reducing end fucose is connected to galactose in the lactose structure by α-1, 2-bond.The molecular structure is shown in the figure below:


  • Function of 2'-FL

Regulate infant intestinal microecology

2'-FL can significantly improve the adhesion ability of bifidobacterium on intestinal mucosa, and selectively promote the growth of bifidobacterium longum, bifidobacterium bifidum and bifidobacterium infantium, and also stimulate the growth of some bacteroides species.

Immunoregulatory effect

2'-FL can penetrate the intestinal barrier and enter the blood circulatory system. 2'-FL in the blood can act as a cytokine to directly or indirectly regulate the response of host intestinal cells, act on the glycosylation of epithelial cells, and affect cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis, so as to play an immunomodulatory role.

Prevent pathogens from sticking to the gut

The structure of 2 '-FL is similar to the glycoproteins and sugar chains on the surface of intestinal mucosal cells. As soluble ligand analogues, 2'-fL can occupy binding sites on the surface of host cells and bind to pathogenic bacteria in the intestine in the form of decoy receptors, blocking the binding of pathogens to intestinal epithelial cells.

Promotes neurodevelopment and repair of the brain

2'-FL stimulates central nervous system (CNS) function through the enteric brain axis and improves hippocampal long-term enhancement (LTP) and learning and memory. In animal studies, compared with the blank group, rats supplemented with 2'-FL during lactation showed stronger LTP and longer duration in infancy and adulthood, and significantly better performance in new object recognition and in water mazes and Y-shaped mazes, suggesting that oral administration of 2'-FL during lactation can enhance cognitive ability in both children and adults.

  • 2'-FL approval and application status


The National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China has issued 6 acceptance information for 2'-FL since 2016, and the relevant content is as follows:


Since 2016, the China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment has issued 5 solicitations involving 2'-FL for approval as a food nutrition fortification agent in new food additives. The summary is as follows:



As of May 17, 2023, there are 18 GRAS Notices covering 2'-FL (not including the combination of 2'-FL and other Hmos) as food additives. The earliest GRAS approval was made on September 16, 2015, GRN No.546. The relevant information is as follows:


Among the approved raw materials, the intended use of formula milk powder is all included,with the highest dosage being 2.4g/L.There are obvious differences in the types and dosages of products approved for the intended use of different raw materials.

European Union

As of May 17,2023,the European Union has issued three authorization notices to launch 2'-FL as a novel food ingredient on the market, with the earliest being(EU) 2016/376 released in March 2016. Subsequently,(EU) 2017/2201 and (EU) 2023/859 were successively released,producing strains of Escherichia coli K-12,Escherichia coli BL-21,and Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032,respectively.The conditions for the use of 2'-FL are amended in (EU) 2023/950,with the Maximum levels of infant formula and larger infant formula being“1.2 g/L in the final product ready for use, marketed as such or reconstituted as instructed by the manufacturer.”

  • Summary

2'- FL has broad application prospects in fields such as infant formula milk powder due to its significant raw material characteristics 2’-FL. Foodmate will continue to monitor the approval process in China, the United States and the European Union.

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