Panama coffee is sold at a Sky-high Price of 1,500 dollars per cup


A cafe in the Penrith area of Western Sydney, Australia, has launched a "sky-high price" coffee made from rare Panama coffee beans, which sells for as much as $1,500 per cup. The cafe owner commented that this is a coffee that "drinks people to tears".

The Panama "Review" reported on May 17 that this "sky-high price" coffee came from a cafe called Brew Lab in the Penrith area, and the coffee beans needed to make the coffee were produced in the Silla De Pando area of Panama, next to a volcano at an altitude of 1,700 meters.

The cafe stated that if customers want to taste this cup of coffee, they must book two weeks in advance, because the coffee beans need to be airlifted from Panama to Australia. Although the unit price of this cup of coffee is equivalent to the annual coffee budget, it can bring customers a unique experience that cannot be obtained in ordinary cafes.

Cafe owner and barista Mitch Johnson (Mitch Johnson) said that this coffee received a score of more than 90 points from the Coffee Specialty Association, which belongs to the "extreme" coffee level. It is a hand-brewed coffee, and the barista will present it to customers after going through strict brewing steps. Most people's first impression after tasting this coffee is that it is more like tea than coffee.

In addition, Johnson commented: "This is a unique coffee, and its taste will make people cry. I know it sounds crazy, but it really made people cry."

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