The Philippine Department of Agriculture planned to authorize the import of onions by the end of May


According to a report by the Philippine "Business Mirror" on May 22, the Philippine Department of Agriculture planed to authorize the import of onions before the end of May to prevent the recurrence of onion prices last year. In December last year, the price of Philippine onions soared to 700 pesos (about 88 yuan) per kilogram, which was higher than the daily minimum wage in the Philippines. Currently, the price of Philippine onions is between 160-200 pesos (20.2-25.2 yuan) per kilogram. The Philippine Department of Agriculture is still assessing the import volume, with an initial estimate of 8,800 tons, equivalent to two months' consumption. 

The Agriculture and Food Committee of the Philippine House of Representatives conducted a three-month investigation into the sudden increase in onion prices last year and found that the onion price cartel was "very active" in the Philippines. It has asked the National Bureau of Investigation, the Philippine Competition Commission and the Department of Agriculture to jointly respond and break down price.

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