Indonesia developed regulatory requirements for health food products


On July 21, 2023, the Indonesian Food and Drug Administration issued Announcement No. 16 of 2023 to formulate regulatory requirements for health care products and other products, which will be implemented on the date of issuance. Main contents:

1. Definition;

2. Supervision procedures. It is divided into enterprise inspection and product inspection; inspection methods: routine inspection, regular inspection, etc.; inspection content: licensing management documents; technical documents of business activities; storage or circulation facilities; technical responsibility qualifications; contract documents; laboratory and test reports, etc.; Procedural documents and records;

3. Product inspection. Marketing authorization; whether the product is expired; whether the product is damaged; whether it contains prohibited ingredients, etc.; the responsibility of the production company and sales company, etc.;

4. Administrative punishment. Warning, suspension of sales, suspension of imports, etc. Enterprises are given a 12-month transition period from the date of promulgation of the regulation.

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