Near-expired commodities sell well in Brazil,and the economists believe this shopping habit will last for long


To save money on household expenses, many Brazilians are looking to low-priced goods that are about to reach their expiration date. In this regard, experts said that many consumers realize that the use of expired goods will not cause health hazards, so even if incomes improve, such products will not lose the market.

Brazil's "G1" website reported on August 8 that in a supermarket chain in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, the capital of Minas Gerais, various temporary products with discounts of up to 70% are being sold. period products. The closer the product is to the expiration date, the lower the price. Among them, the price of a pudding that is only 12 days away from the shelf life has been reduced from the original 7.9 reals to 2.99 reals.

In this regard, Diogo Santos, a researcher and economist at the IPEAD Foundation in Brazil, said that as the income of Brazilian families has become increasingly tight in recent years, the emergence of such commodities has met the needs of most Brazilians. In his view, in the future, many families may be able to return to normal consumption patterns, but many families have realized that while purchasing temporary goods save money, they will not cause harm to people's health. Therefore, this kind of Shopping habits may be here to stay.

Not only consumers have benefited from it, stores specializing in temporary products have also ushered in explosive growth. Thiago Henrique Chaves, commercial director of a Brazilian company, said that in just six years, the company has opened 13 temporary product stores. Compared with the previous year, the scale of operations this year has increased by approximately 25%. And, considering that consumer demand for off-period products has been growing, the company expects to open 3 to 4 more stores next year.

Business people also pointed out that if you want to make profits in the temporary commodity market, the most important thing is to speed up the sales of products. This requires the company to increase investment in promotional advertising to attract customers to the store to enjoy the discount as soon as possible.

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