Peru approved implementation guidelines for the technical standard for chocolate and cocoa liquids


On December 15, 2023, the Peruvian National Institute of Quality (INQ) approved the implementation guide for the Technical Standard for Chocolate and Cocoa Liquids as follows:The first edition of the implementation guide for the NTP-CODEX CXS 87:2017 (Revised 2022) Technical Standard for Chocolate and Chocolate Products establishes the following points:


(1) Chocolate must contain at least 35% of total cocoa solids, of which at least 18% is cocoa butter and at least 14% is defatted cocoa solids. In addition, hot chocolate must contain a maximum of 8% flour or starch from wheat, corn or rice;


(2) With regard to milk chocolate, the content of cocoa solids must be not less than 25% (including at least 2.5% of skimmed cocoa solids), with a prescribed minimum milk solids content of between 12% and 14% (including at least 2.5% and 3.5% of milkfat);


(3) White chocolate must contain not less than 20% dry matter and milk must contain not less than 14% dry matter. Milk extract means the addition of dairy ingredients in natural proportions;


(4) Table chocolate must contain not less than 20% cocoa solids, with at least 11% cocoa butter and 9% defatted cocoa solids;


(5) Dark chocolate must contain not less than 40% cocoa solids, of which at least 22% cocoa butter and 18% defatted cocoa solids.

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