Russia proposed to develop a classification of different poultry meat products based on the amount of poultry meat in the product


On 7 February 2024, the website of the Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision and the Russian Law Portal informed that according to the proposal of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, poultry meat products will be classified as meat products, meat-containing products, meat-plant products or plant-meat products, so that consumers will be aware of the content of poultry meat in the products.


For example, products containing more than 60 per cent meat will be considered meat products, while those with a meat content percentage between 5 and 60 per cent will be considered meat-containing products. Meanwhile, products with more than 30 per cent meat content will be regarded as meat-vegetable products, while those with between 5 and 30 per cent will be regarded as meat-vegetable products. These changes are intended to protect the interests of consumers by enabling them to obtain necessary and reliable information about the meat content of products. The changes are expected to come into effect within 12 months of acceptance, providing producers with one year to adapt to the new requirements.

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