4 Chinese companies were included in the FDA red list, with relevant products being automatically detained


Recently, the United States FDA website updated the import alert measures (FDA import alert), in which the relevant products of four Chinese food enterprises were automatically detained, the details are as follows:


FDA import alert is a processing measure taken by the FDA for imported food with potential risks in customs clearance. For food enterprises/products that meet the requirements of FDA import alert, the FDA will implement automatic detention (DWPE) for enterprises/products without inspection. Automatic detention does not mean that the export product does not meet the United States food import standards, the implementation of "automatic detention" of imported goods, must be FDA or FDA approved laboratory inspection qualified, and FDA local branch of the review and approval, customs will be allowed to release into the United States for sale.


Foodmate reminds relevant food export enterprises to strictly follow the requirements of target countries to export food products, check pesticide residues in products, and avoid the risk of food product detention.

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