France proposed legislation for cider and perry


On 30 April 2024, France issued Notice 2024/0237/FR on the proposed legislation for cider and perry, with a comment period ending on 2 August 2024. Main contents:


(1) Scope and definition;


(2) Label information. Words to use: "sweet", "semi-dry", "dry", "extra dry"; "Primeur" or "new" followed by the year the fruit was harvested; "Bouched" : carbon dioxide content of at least 3g/l, etc.;


(3) Part of the quality standards for cider and perrye are shown in the table below;


(4) The proposed effective time is: January 1, 2025; products placed on the market before December 31, 2024 or labeled are allowed to be placed on the market until stock runs out.


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