SAMR | Answer questions from reporters on the 2019 national food safety supervision sampling inspection

State Administration for Market Regulation answers questions from reporters on the 2019 national food safety supervision sampling inspection

On June 7, the person in charge of the Food Sampling Department of the State Administration for Market Regulation answered the reporter's questions about the 2019 national food safety supervision sampling inspection. The contents include the general situation of the national food safety supervision sampling inspection in 2019, the food safety situation in China, the disposal measures for unqualified food found in the supervision and sampling inspection, and the focus of the food safety sampling inspection this year.

According to the national food safety supervision sampling inspection in 2019, Unqualified sampling rate of frozen beverages is still at a relatively high level of 6.1%. Due to the veterinary drug residues and microbial contamination, the unqualified rate of bee products increased by 3.6% from the previous year to 5.7%. There is an increase of 1.2% of unqualified sampling rate of online food from the previous year, which is up to 3.2%.

Microbial contamination, excessive food additives and excessive agricultural and veterinary drug residues are still the main problems of food safety, which are separately 28.4%,22.9% and 16.7% of the total number of unqualified samples.

The key tasks for 2020 include:1) Continuously increasing the intensity of food safety sampling inspection; 2) Continuously enhancing the ability to control food safety risks; 3) Continuously increasing the publicity of supervision sampling inspection information and risk exchange.

For detailed information, please click: 市场监管总局就2019年国家食品安全监督抽检情况答记者问



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