Overseas Agricultural Information Express (No. 138)

On July 20, the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs released the Overseas Agricultural Information Express (No. 138).

1. Russia's wheat stock decreased by 42% year-on-year. According to data from the Russian Federal Statistical Office, at the beginning of the 2020/2021 agricultural year, the stock of wheat in Russian agricultural enterprises was 3.72 million tons, a decrease of nearly 42% over the same period of the previous year . In the first half of 2020, Russian wheat sales were close to 11 million tons, an increase of 16.7%, and sales in June were 850,000 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 31.2%.

2. Russia's Agriculture Ministry plans to establish 2.5-3.5 million tons of grain reserves stable, in order to protect the flour processing industry 2-4 raw material demand months, to prevent the flour, bread and other essential social food price volatility in times of crisis. In order to solve the problem of insufficient storage facilities, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture will also formulate a new modern storage facility construction plan.

3. Eight slaughter and processing plants in Argentina suspended meat sales to China. On 15 July, Argentina Agricultural Product Quality and Health Administration Service reported due to employees infected with COVID-19, 8 slaughtering plants suspended the sale of meat to China, including 4 poultry, 3 beef and 1 pork processing plant. 96 meat companies in Argentina have obtained export licenses to China. In the first five months of this year, they exported 170,000 tons of beef to China, totaling US$ 704 million, an increase of 30.4% and 25.9% respectively over the same period last year.

4. Epidemic has led Brazil 8 meat processing plants are suspended exports to China. Out of concerns about the COVID-19 epidemic, China asked Brazil to suspend the export qualifications of two meat processing plants to China, thus the number of suspended processing plants increased to 8. China is Brazil's largest importer of beef, chicken and pork. Previously, China had suspended the export qualifications of six Brazilian meat companies to China. At present, the number of COVID-19 cases in Brazil has increased to 2 million.

5. The Ministry of Planning of Egypt announced plans to invest 34.5 billion Egyptian pounds to the agricultural sector in the 2020/2021 fiscal year. The government’s goal is to increase agricultural production by 14.5% in the next fiscal year to 10.75 billion Egyptian pounds, and this year’s agricultural production is 9.38 billion Egyptian pounds.

6. The Australian Farmers' Association calls on the government to avoid aggravating the "crack" in China-Australian relations for the benefit of its farmers. Fiona Simson, the chairman of the National Farmers Federation of Australia (NFF), said that the China-Australia trade dispute has put pressure on Australian agriculture and the industry does not want China-Australia relations to deteriorate. China is currently one of Australia's largest agricultural export markets. He hoped that the Morrison government will recognize the importance of the Chinese market to Australian agriculture, consider the interests of Australian farmers when dealing with complex political issues, and maintain a solid bilateral trade relationship with China. After the COVID-19 epidemic, Australia's economic recovery should be led by agriculture.

7. The Prime Minister of Pakistan called for a severe crackdown on wheat hoarding and smuggling. The Prime Minister of Pakistan recently asked the provinces to crack down on the hoarding, adulteration and smuggling of wheat and flour to ensure the stability of wheat prices on the national market. Emphasize the need to strengthen coordination among the provinces to make the national wheat and flour prices uniform and put the government's reserve of wheat on the market as planned.

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Please note: This article is translated based on Google web translation software, if there is an error, please contact us as soon as possible to correct.

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