European Union has published draft amendments to some of the information to be provided on organic labels


On 5 August, the EU published a draft revision of certain information to be provided on the labelling of organic products, which provides for information on compound feeds and mixtures of feed plants and seeds so that organic operators can obtain complete information on the composition of organic, converted and authorised non-organic ingredients in products.These regulations may also affect organic operators in third countries.Comments will be solicited on October 4, 2020.

        8月5日,欧盟发布关于有机产品标签上要提供的某些信息修订的草案,该草案规定了有关复合饲料和饲料植物种子混合物的信息,以便有机经营者可以获得有关产品中有机、转化和授权中的非有机成分组成的完整信息。 这些规定也可能涉及第三国的有机运营商。意见征集截止时间为2020年10月4日。

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