AU | Notice of Mandatory offshore methyl bromide fumigation for imported fresh leaves and root vegetables from Fiji

Due to unacceptably high pest interceptions, the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (the department) will require mandatory pre- shipment methyl bromide fumigation, from 18 January 2021, for the following fresh produce from Fiji:

• Drumstick leaves, Betel leaves, Taro leaves, Cassava leaves, Bael leaves, Rosella leaves
• Taro
• Cassava tubers
• Swede turnip or turnip
• Yam

Produce listed above, arriving into Australian Territory from 18 January 2021, will require evidence on accompanying phytosanitary certificate that verifies the goods have been fumigated using an approved schedule. Goods arriving without the appropriate pre-shipment fumigation and phytosanitary declarations will be offered export or disposal.

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