Mexico revised prepackaged food labeling manual

On May 24, 2021, the Mexican health authority (COFEPRIS) issued a manual to clear pre-packaged food and non-alcoholic beverages required business and health information. The main contents of the manual include:

(1) General labeling requirements

(2) The name of the pre-packaged product must be displayed in bold on the main display surface of the label, parallel to the bottom of the product design;

(3) The label of pre-packaged products sold separately must include a list of ingredients, and the list of ingredients must start with the word "Ingredientes" in Spanish. The ingredients of pre-packaged food or non-alcoholic beverages must be listed in the order of quantity in terms of the ratio of mass to mass (m/m);

(4) Nutrition label: The information printed on the nutrition statement must be presented in a font size of at least 1.5 mm in height;

(5) Products exempt from additional nutrition information: infant formula milk powder, infant formula milk powder with special nutritional requirements, follow-up formula milk powder and follow-up formula milk powder meeting special nutritional requirements; vegetable oil, plant or animal fat; sugar, honey, iodized salt and iodine fluoride salt, and grain flour.

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