On July 7, 2021, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) issued
Analysis of Microbiological and Chemical Hazards in Edible Insects Available to Canadian Consumers 2017 to 2018.
The CFIA mo
nitors for the presence of microbiological contaminants, pesticide residues and toxic me
tals to promote food safety in foods as part of its mo
nitoring programs. A new and emerging novel food source is edible insects, including whole dried insects/silkworm pupa, protein powders (crickets as sole or main ingredient), as well as multi-ingredient products that include insects as ingredients, such as protein bars, and smoothie mixtures. The CFIA tested foods co
ntaining insect ingredients to obtain ba
seline information on the levels of chemical and microbiological co
ntaminants present and the results have been published in a peer-reviewed scientific paper. The results showed that all of the tested products were free of microbiological co
ntamination (for example, Salmo
nella spp. and generic E. coli). The samples were also tested for pesticide residues and toxic me
tals. Overall, 89% of tested products met Canadian residue limits for pesticides. ba
sed on the assessment of all of the test results, none of the samples would be expected to pose a risk to consumers.