NHC | Announcement and interpretation on 28 kinds of “three new foods” including 4-ɑ-glycosyltransferase

On July 26, 2021, the National Health Commission issued the announcement and interpretation of 28 kinds of "three new foods" including 4-α-glycosyltransferase. It mainly includes 9 new varieties of food additives such as xylanase, polygalacturonase, pectinesterase and phosphatidyl inositol phospholipase C, and 19 new varieties of food-related products such as the reaction product of sodium silicate, trimethylchlorosilane and isopropanol.

The regulation will be implemented from 2021-07-26.

Click here http://www.nhc.gov.cn/cms-search/xxgk/getManuscriptXxgk.htm?id=6502707e8eba433a8ae53ac78c020a8b to read details.

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