USDA | Ending Mandatory Inspection for Certain Multi-Component Kit Products Containing Meat or Poultry Products

On September 21, 2021, FSIS published the Federal Register notice, Availability of Kit Product Labeling Guideline, (86 FR 52439) that announced the availability of the updated FSIS Guideline on Kit Products and explained that FSIS will no longer conduct mandatory inspection services for multi-component kit products that contain fully labeled meat or poultry products.

There are many varieties of food kit products that contain meat or poultry products, including, but not limited to: wraps, pizza, stew, salads, fajitas, stroganoff, and stir-fry skillet meals. These items are commonly sold as fully cooked, but some may require cooking. Generally, the meat and poultry components are separately wrapped and already inspected and fully labeled before assembly with various food components in the same packaging.

The specific contents of the revised guidelines are:

1). Announce that FSIS will no longer provide mandatory inspection services for the assembly of kits that meet certain conditions as described in this guideline and clarify that such kits are eligible for FSIS voluntary inspection;

2). Clarify that the guideline does not apply to products produced under the retail exemption;

3). Clarify that kits labeled as a standardized product must meet the regulatory standard when prepared; and

4). Clarify that uninspected kits placed into shipping containers are not to bear the USDA legend on the shipping container.

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