Chile revises surveillance requirements for bovine brucellosis

On 12 May 2022, the Ministry of Agriculture of Chile issued document No. 2313, amending the surveillance requirements for bovine brucellosis.  The main contents are as follows:

(1) Requirements of dairy industry.  All enterprises that process milk or produce dairy products are required to test each supplier for bovine brucellosis every three months.  Samples taken from each supplier's milk can, using ELISA testing technology, must be tested at an officially authorized laboratory and sent within a maximum of 7 days from the date of sample collection;

(2) Livestock trading requirements;  All cattle at 12 months of age should take bovine brucellosis serological sample upon trading;  

(3) Requirements before slaughter.  All 12-month-old cattle entering the slaughterhouse must be serologically sampled for bovine brucellosis, requiring separate sterile blood samples from each animal, ensuring traceability of samples, identifying the source of DIIO and RUP of sample animals, and submitting samples within 7 days of slaughter;  

(4) Laboratory requirements for authorization of diagnosis of bovine brucellosis.  Must use the service platform: animal health systems or "SSA" (https://sanidadanimal.sag.gob.cl) to input test results.  In the event of a positive result, the positive sample must be transferred to a laboratory of Ministry of Agriculture for confirmation within a period of not more than 24 hours.  

The resolution takes effect 60 days after publication in the official gazette.  

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