Russian quality supervision bureau plans to obtain Russian organic agricultural products certification in China

Maxim Protasov, head of The Russian food quality certification agency Roskachestvo, said the agency plans to obtain recognition of Russian organic agricultural products certificates in China so that Russian producers can avoid double inspection costs.  

"Since the EU has abolished the application submitted by the Russian Quality System for the certification of our products in the EU market, we decided to submit the application for the Certification of our products in the Chinese market, and this decision is supported by the Russian Ministry of Agriculture and the national government," Protasov said.  

According to him, getting certified is quite a complicated and lengthy process that may take up to a year, but the results are worth it.  Therefore, it will be easier for Russian producers to enter the Chinese market if the Certificates of the Russian quality System, as the national certification body for organic products, are recognized in China.  
Mr Protasov indicated that the agency had also chosen the Middle East markets to apply for certification, in which Russian agricultural producers have major interest. Obtaining certificates in the Middle East, Japan and China will save Russian producers the double cost of exporting organic products to those countries.  The Russian Quality System estimates there are about 90 such producers.  
"Now they have to pay for double certification," he said. "Every batch they deliver has to be checked again.  So the cost of saleable products goes up and that slows down the pace of exports."
Protasov said Russian organic products that these countries may need include organic grains and oils, wild plants and organic honey, which is a huge and growing global market. 


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