Switzerland released a monitoring report on pesticide residues in food for 2021

On June 16, 2022, the Swiss Federal Office for Food Safety and Veterinary (BLV) released the monitoring report on pesticide residues in food for 2021. The main contents include:
(1) A sampling plan and the production and consumption of plant-based foods in Switzerland, covering 14 products in four major categories of vegetables, fruits, grains and vegetable oils, with about 30 samples per product and a total of 414 samples monitored;  
(2) In 218 samples, one or more residues exceeded the limit of quantization (LOQ), the detection rate was 53%, among which the detection rate of vegetable was 35% (63/179), the detection rate of vegetable oil was 0, only one sample (apple) exceeded the maximum residue limit (MRL), the unqualified rate was 0.2%, the unqualified item was 1, 4-dimethylnaphthalene;  
(3) The detection rate and nonconforming rate decreased slightly compared with 2020. In 2020, 428 samples were monitored, and 230 samples were detected exceeding LOQ, with a detection rate of 54%, and 3 samples were detected exceeding MRL, with a nonconforming rate of 0.7%. 

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