The United States is proposing to amend labeling and advertising requirements in the Federal Alcohol Administration Act

Federal Register, June 28, 2022 -- The U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) of the Department of Treasury, issued Notice no. 2022-13924 amending labeling and advertising requirements under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act. The main contents of the amendments are to prohibit misleading statements on labels of wine, distilled spirits and malt beverages to deceive consumers and to ensure that labels comply with 27U.S.C.205 (e) labeling and (f) advertising requirements.  
The labelling and advertising requirements mainly relate to:  Packaging, labeling, brand and label, the size of the container and fill in rules; requirement of accurate statement on label; it is forbidden to publish degrading rival products, false, misleading, obscene or indecent statements on the label; prevent cheating consumers by using business or brand name and promote products not matching the statement on the label, etc.  
The notice will be published in the Federal Register on June 29, 2022, with comments due within 30 days. 

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