Producers say the UK is on the brink of dairy shortage

Arla foods
Arla Foods, Britain's biggest dairy producer, has warned that the UK is on the brink of a dairy shortage because of rising fuel prices and a shortage of workers.  
The country's 2022 milk production fell by 3 %, the Telegraph reported, citing the company's managing director, Ash Amirahmadi.  He pointed out that if the decline rate reached 5%, the country would face a shortage of dairy products.  
Amirahmadi believes the UK is "on the brink" of a dairy shortage.  

"Farmers are suffering from soaring prices for fuel, animal feed and fertiliser, while a shortage of labour is hurting the industry," the Telegraph noted.  
He stressed that the company was in conversation with UK ministers to secure fertiliser and fuel.  Arla Foods is urging authorities to take the necessary steps because of a shortage of farmers, drivers and skilled workers.  
Meanwhile, a government spokesman called on the dairy industry to invest in the UK workforce for the long term, rather than relying on foreign workers. 

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