Peru plans to revise the law on healthy eating for children and adolescents

Ministry of Health of Peru
On 19 July 2022, the Peruvian Ministry of Health issued ministerial resolution 526-2022-MINSA to amend the Law on the Promotion of Healthy Diets for Children and Adolescents, with a feedback period of 90 days. The main amendments are as follows:

(1) Revise the definition of sugar. Sugars include monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, galactose), disaccharides (sucrose, maltose or lactose), refined sucrose, beet sugar and naturally existing honey, syrup, etc.

(2) Processed baby cereals used as breast milk substitutes for children under 2 years of age shall be included in the regulation of the law.

(3) Exceptions. Does not apply to foods and non-alcoholic beverages that are in their natural state and have not been industrially processed;

(4) The technical standards for sugar, sodium and saturated fat in processed foods are added and shown in the table below;

(5) Label advertising requirements. Beverages that contain no caloric sweeteners should not be advertised to children, warning labels should be used on the front of packages, and breast-milk substitutes should not be advertised to the public.

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