Japan revises Specification Benchmarks for Food, Additives, Etc. (updated on August 10, 2022)

日本 厚生劳动省 Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
On August 10, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan issued the announcement 0810 No. 1, saying that the standards for the residue limits of Spinosad, Sulfoxaflor, pyraflufen, Thiophene tartrate, morantel, Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl, Polyoxin D zinc salt and Polyantimycin complex in the Specification Benchmarks for Food, Additives, Etc are modified.

8月10日,日本厚生劳动省发布生食发0810第1号公告称,现修改《食品、添加剂等的规格基准》中多杀霉素、氟啶虫胺腈、吡草醚、酒石酸噻吩嘧啶、莫仑太尔、苯噻菌胺、多抗霉素D锌盐(Polyoxin D zinc salt)、多抗霉素复合体的残留限量标准。

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