Russian national standards may reduce the content of food label identification items



The latest news on Milknews: Due to the impact of western sanctions, Russia is facing a shortage of packaging ink, enterprises have asked the government to reduce the size of food labels. The Deputy Prime minister asked Rosstandart, the Agency for Technical Regulation and Measurement, and other relevant institutions to study the possibility of revising the requirements for national standards on food labeling.


The director of Rosstandart said that the current standard amendment work is underway,  the product label information about the production date and shelf life location, signs and graphics requirements might be reduced. However, since food labeling requirements such as mandatory labeling items and size are mandated by the Eurasian Economic Union technical regulations, Rosstandart proposed to amend the Union's technical regulations "Food Labeling".


Rosstandart said it would begin revising national standards for labels in 2023, which would allow manufacturers to reduce the size of labels by incorporating certain information about products into QR codes. To save ink, companies need to optimize label design and reduce the amount of language in the label.


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