Introduction to Hong Kong Food Additive Regulations (Part I)


At present, Hong Kong has only a few regulations for specific types of food additives, including Colouring Matter in Food Regulations(Cap. 132H)、Sweeteners in Food Regulations(Cap. 132U)、Preservatives in Food Regulation(Cap. 132D).

I Sweeteners

Sweeteners in Hong Kong are regulated by the Sweeteners in Food Regulations. The Regulation defines "sweetener" as any chemical compound which has sweet taste, but does not include any sugars or other carbohydrates or polyhydroxy alcohol. For example, sorbitol, a type of polyhydroxy alcohol, is not regulated by the Sweeteners in Food Regulations and can be used as an ingredient in food in accordance with GMP without specifying the sweetener category on the ingredient list.

II Colouring Matter

Colouring matter in Hong Kong is regulated by the Colouring Matter in Food Regulations. The regulation is a positive list of colouring matter, food manufacturers are allowed to use only those colouring matters permitted by the Regulations, and the amount of colouring matter added is limited to the minimum amount necessary to perform the intended function of the colouring matter, which should be used correctly in food in accordance with GMP.

III Preservatives and Antioxidant

Preservatives and antioxidants in Hong Kong are regulated by the Preservatives in Food Regulations. The Regulations specify the types of preservatives and antioxidants that may be used in food, the maximum permitted levels and alternatives.

It should be noted that food additives not covered by the definition of preservatives and antioxidants can still be used as preservatives or antioxidants in food in Hong Kong, but they are not regulated by the Preservatives in Food Regulations and must comply with other relevant legislation in Hong Kong, including the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance(Cap. 132) and the Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) Regulations(Cap. 132W). The use of these additives must also comply with the general rule of legislation that all food for sale must be suitable for human consumption. In addition, enterprises are required to use these food additives in accordance with GMP.

In the next issue, Foodmate will give you an introduction of food additive label. Stay tuned!

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