EU will strengthen the supervision of aquatic food to reduce the dependence on imports



According to the official journal of the European Union on April 14, 2023, the European Commission issued a resolution on the future development direction of aquaculture in the European Union (2021/2189 (INI)). The main contents are as follows:

(1) to expand the aquaculture industry in the EU, promote the use of "aquafood" and establish a transparent and effective regulatory and administrative framework;

(2) Reiterate the establishment of a food traceability system involving all participants in the value chain, require relevant parties to provide information on where and how fish or aquatic food is farmed, and strengthen fraud checks in product chains imported outside the EU;

(3) to ensure the wider use of agricultural and food quality schemes for aquaculture products and the use of quality designations for aquaculture products that meet the requirements set out in European quality regulations;

(4) Apply evidence-based standards and interventions to improve fish welfare, including maintaining water quality within welfare and environmentally relevant limits;

(5) Since the production of fishmeal and fish oil factories in West Africa managed by Chinese companies has caused losses to local and non-industrial fisheries, call on aquaculture facilities in the EU not to use feed produced by the above companies;

(6) Create a level playing field for imports from EU aquaculture and third-country producers by revising international trade agreements and signing new trade agreements, including the implementation of aquatic food labelling, revising the legal framework for consumption information such as caviar labeling;

(7) Formulate new legislative provisions for commercial fish transportation, requiring detailed lists of water quality parameters before transportation and welfare control after transportation, as well as specific training and certification on fish transportation;

(8) Formulate the same rules for the treatment of diseases such as organic aquaculture, control the spread of diseases and reduce the use of antibiotics.

The resolution also hopes to develop the aquaculture industry in the EU and reduce the impact on aquatic products by including the sustainable aquaculture industry in the EU carbon boundary adjustment mechanism, revising the breeding provisions of the "Organic Product Production and Labeling Regulations" and encouraging the consumption of EU products. Enai for food imports.

Learn more via: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv%3AOJ.C_.2023.132.01.0002.01.ENG&toc=OJ%3AC%3A2023%3A132%3ATOC

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