US plans to implement the electronic information processing regulations for imported food and other imported goods


On June 27, 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it plans to implement electronic information processing regulations for imported food and other commodities, and the review period will be 30 days after publication in the Federal Register.

This regulation requires that when importing or preparing to import food and other commodities controlled by FDA to the United States, relevant parties should submit data information to ensure that FDA can efficiently review relevant products and determine whether they can be imported. Relevant types of product information shall comply with the data element information requirements. The FDA allows imported food and other commodities to submit information on the total amount of imported commodities within 7 days, so as to facilitate the transportation of these imported commodities from foreign trade areas for consumption by the American people. FDA recommends that interested parties wishing to submit weekly entry information for FDA-controlled products to CBP should first apply to FDA for an initial assessment. The importer's record information, production plant information, enterprise number, etc. should be submitted to FDA to review whether imported food and other commodities can be imported.

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