Fish burgers at McDonalds restaurants in China will bear the MSC certification label


The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and McDonald's China announced last month that the McDonald's chain will put the blue MSC eco-label on McDonald's Filet-o-fish burgers, double fish burgers and children's fillet burgers served at more than 5,000 restaurants in China.


The Marine Stewardship Council said the move extends McDonald's commitment to sustainability and reassures Chinese consumers that the fish products they choose to eat are sustainably sourced.


The group cited recent consumer research showing that more Chinese consumers are noticing the value of sustainable seafood choices.


Rupert Howes, CEO of the Marine Stewardship Council, said MSC and McDonald's have been working together to promote sustainable seafood since 2011, and as an important partner of MSC, McDonald's has brought fish products with the MSC eco-label to consumers in Europe, the United States, Japan and other countries.


McDonald's commitment in China is a tremendous opportunity for MSC to establish a partnership in this important market to meet the growing demand for sustainable seafood among Chinese consumers.


Gu Lei, chief impact officer of McDonald's China, said he was pleased to receive the MSC certification, which is an affirmation of McDonald's China's influence in the supply chain and helps ensure the continuous supply of high-quality seafood.


McDonald's stores in China sell nearly 3,500 tons of MSC-certified white fish each year.

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