US announced to improve the early detection of emerging animal diseases to protect U.S. agricultural products and food safety systems


On October 17, 2023, the U.S. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced that it will strengthen its cooperation with U.S. authorities to improve the early detection of animal disease outbreaks and protect U.S. agricultural products and food safety systems. The goal of APHIS is to ensure that all network laboratories are properly prepared for the occurrence and cross-border spread of related outbreaks. Experts will collaborate to assess and develop diagnostic methods for animal and zoonotic diseases, assess local, regional, national and international animal disease threats, and ensure that laboratories can diagnose emergent threats.

APHIS will strive to prevent the introduction of pests and animal diseases into the United States, reduce the spread and impact of such diseases through rigorous planning and prevention efforts, and prevent such diseases from threatening the food supply, agricultural economy, and public health. APHIS will establish a network of animal disease diagnostic laboratories to continuously strengthen animal disease surveillance, rapidly respond to disease emergencies, share diagnostic results, and meet diagnostic needs in a timely manner during animal disease outbreaks.

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