Australia and New Zealand issue amendments to the Food Standards Code No. 223


On 30 November 2023, Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) released the Official Bulletin on Amendments to Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) Code 223, the main amendments are:


Standard 2.9.1 Infant Formula products


Schedule 3 Characteristics and purity


Schedule 18 processing AIDS


Table 26 Food products produced by genetic technology


Schedule 29 Special purpose food


The scope of application of these amendments is as follows:


A1264- Approval of transgenic soybean strain IND-00410-05 for food


A1265- Approval for the voluntary use of four human milk oligosaccharide components as nutrients in infant formula


A1266- Approval of xylanase from transgenic Trichoderma Reeberii as a processing aid

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