China initiates the formulation and revision of 35 food safety standards for pre-prepared dishes and other categories in 2024


The National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China (NHC) recently released the "2024 Annual National Food Safety Standards Initiation Plan," outlining the formulation of new standards and the revision of 35 existing ones for products such as pre-prepared dishes and edible oil and fat products.

The plan encompasses the development and amendment of five food product standards, including two new product standards for pre-prepared dishes and three revised standards for edible oil and fat products. The formulation of the pre-prepared dishes standard will be led by entities such as the National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment, the Food Supply Chain Branch of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, and the Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology. Meanwhile, the revision of edible oil and fat product standards will be spearheaded by the Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Jiangnan University, and the National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment.

Additionally, the plan involves the development of 1 standard for radioactive substances in food and 5 standards for physical and chemical inspection methods and procedures; the revision of 14 quality specifications for food additives, 2 microbiological inspection methods and procedures standards, and 1 standard for toxicological evaluation methods and procedures; and the formulation and revision of 2 standards for production and operation norms, along with 5 standards for nutrition and special dietary foods.

The NHC emphasizes that the development of these standards should prioritize safeguarding people's health, relying on food safety risk assessment results, and taking into account China's economic development level and practical needs. The process should also draw upon relevant international standards and risk assessment outcomes, conduct thorough research, and ensure that the standards' indicators are scientifically reasonable and practically applicable.


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