Paris Olympics | Experts: Doping Positives Due to Food Contamination Are Not Rare


The case of Chinese swimmers testing positive for doping due to food contamination has been repeatedly hyped up by foreign media, even disrupting the swimming team during the Paris Olympics. In response, domestic anti-doping experts in China stated that doping positives caused by food contamination are not uncommon, and the sources of contamination leading to doping positives abroad are even more diverse.

Regarding the latest hype by The New York Times about the 2022 positive test for trenbolone in Chinese athletes, the China Anti-Doping Agency (CHINADA) stated in a declaration on the 31st that two swimmers unknowingly ingested meat contaminated with trenbolone while dining out.

Experts introduced that two athletes from low-risk sports (BMX and shooting) also tested positive for trenbolone due to dining out. The athletes were temporarily suspended, and the investigation lasted for a year until the results were finalized at the end of 2023, lifting the temporary suspension. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) stated that the banned substance content in the positive samples was extremely low, measured in picograms, which is a few parts per trillion, and the swimmers had just undergone a drug test a few days before this test, with negative results. based on the investigation results from all parties, experts believe that the athletes' positive tests were caused by food contamination, and they are not at fault and should not be considered doping violations. WADA also acknowledged this judgment.

The center said, "The issue of doping contamination in meat products is a universal problem globally, and similar contamination cases occur in many countries and regions. When handling meat contamination cases, CHINADA strictly follows the standards and guidelines issued by WADA to ensure that the evidence in the cases is objective, true, sufficient, and credible."

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