The United States revised residue limits for Fluopicolide in products such as peanuts and refined soybean oil

On May 23, 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued Regulation 2022-10868 amending residue limits for Fluopicolide in products including peanuts and refined soybean oil, according to the Federal Register.  
The EPA conducted a risk assessment of toxicity, dietary exposure, and effects on infants and young children and concluded that the following residue limits are safe.  The proposed amendments are as follows:  
Merchandise Parts per million(ppm)
Animal feed, non-pasture, crop group18 0.5
Cotton mill byproduct 0.2
Sorting grain 0.07
Cereals, crops Group 15 0.02
Grain cereals, crop group 15, milling byproducts 0.07
Grain and cereal feed, forage and straw, crop group 16 0.5
Grass, fodder, forage and hay, Crop group 17 0.5
Oilseeds, Crop group 20 0.03
Peanut 0.03
Peanut hay 0.7
Refined soybean oil 0.03
Legume leaves, crop group 7 0.2
Legumes, crop group 6 0.02

It is understood that this regulation takes effect on May 23, 2022, and objections or requests for hearings must be filed by July 22, 2022.  

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