Tips of Dairy Products Customs Clearance


With the improvement of domestic consumers' living standards, more and more imported dairy products appear in consumers' shopping lists.

Domestic dairy products mainly include colostrum, raw milk and dairy products, such as: pasteurized milk, sterilized milk, modulated milk, fermented milk, cheese and processed cheese, cream, butter, anhydrous milkfat, condensed milk, milk powder, whey powder and whey protein powder, milk-based infant formula and its raw material base powder, casein and other milk and dairy products (such as milk mineral salts and milk protein, etc.)

Due to food safety and quarantine requirements, overseas dairy products must go through multiple inspections when they come to China. only dairy products that fully meet the access requirements, enterprise registration requirements, importer and exporter requirements, and quarantine license requirements can be exported to China.

Due to food safety and quarantine requirements, overseas dairy products must go through multiple inspections when they come to China. only dairy products that fully meet the access requirements, enterprise registration requirements, importer and exporter requirements, and quarantine license requirements can be exported to China.
1.New member of dairy products importer

On March 6, 2022, China added a new member to the country that imports dairy products: the General Administration of Customs issued Announcement No. 23 of 2022, in accordance with relevant Chinese laws and regulations and the requirements of the "Protocol between General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China and General Administration of Customs of Mongolia on Inspection and Quarantine Requirements of Mongolian Dairy Products Exported to China", the import of Mongolian dairy products that meet the inspection and quarantine requirements is allowed.

The dairy products that Mongolia can export to China refer to the milk and dairy products originating in Mongolia and processed with appropriate heat-treated cow’s milk, goat’s milk and sheep’s milk as the main raw materials, including sterilized milk, modulated milk, and fermented milk. , cheese and processed cheese, cream, butter, anhydrous milkfat, condensed milk, milk powder, whey powder and whey protein powder, colostrum powder, etc.

2.Common declaration errors of dairy products

1)Method of preparation or preservation (concentration and addition of sugar or other sweet substances)
Definition of elements: Refers to the specific production method or preservation method of the product, which is different according to the requirements of each tax purpose.
"Unconcentrated and unsweetened or otherwise sweetened" or "concentrated and added with added sugar or other sweetening" should be declared as a complete element. It should not only declare "unconcentrated and no added sugar" or "concentrated and sweetened", while omitting "whether other sweet substances are added".

2) Fat content & milk fat content
Definition of elements: Fat content refers to the amount of fat by weight in a product;
Milk fat content refers to the content of milk fat by weight in a product.
In actual declaration, it must be calculated by weight. For example, it can be declared as "3.6% fat content" or "10% milk fat content" without omitting "%".

3) Packaging Specifications
Definition of elements: Refers to the individual packaging methods and specifications of commodities.
For example, it can be reported as: "1 liter/box", "25 kg/bag", etc. It should not be declared as "24 packages/box", "12 bottles", etc. Some enterprises only declare "boxed" and "bagged", which is also a wrong declaration method.

Definition of elements: Refers to the brand logo added by the manufacturer or distributor on the product, and actually needs to declare the brand name in Chinese and foreign languages.
Brands need to declare Chinese and foreign language brands. For brands with only a single Chinese (or foreign language) brand, they should truthfully declare the Chinese (or foreign language) brand, and at the same time add no foreign language (or Chinese) brand. Should not reported as No brand".
For example, it can be declared as "德运 DEVONDALE", "甘蒂牧场MUH", etc. Common imported dairy products have brand names in both Chinese and foreign languages, and there is usually no situation of "no Chinese and foreign brands".

5) Ingredient content
Definition of elements: Refers to the types of substances contained in the commodity and the percentage content of each type of substances by weight, including the composition and content of the commodity.
In principle, all ingredients should be reported and the content should be added to 100%. In addition, "ingredient content" is different from "nutrient content", and the two should not be confused.
For example, it can be declared as "95.43% raw milk, 4.57% white sugar".

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