Australia revised export dairy enterprises registration regulations

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 澳大利亚农业、渔业和林业部
On 30 June 2022, the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry issued Circular No. 2022-22 on the export of dairy products, amending the registration requirements for dairy export enterprises with immediate effect.  Major amendments include:

(1) Cancel the registration requirements of certain enterprises, especially involving storage and packaging enterprises registration, unless enterprises only store dairy products for export (i.e. do not produce), otherwise they do not need to register. If it is determined that the scope of enterprise registration includes relevant non-essential categories, it will be deleted from the scope of enterprise registration scope;  
(2) New export business registration established in the Export Registration System , to consistent with the new dairy products code category. In addition to create a new code, also delete a few registration code identified as extra codes. The introduction of these changes is to help the process to better represent a specific product types used in the dairy industry, as well as final approval of enterprise production and export of products;  
(3) The relevant registration adjustment operation shall be notified to the competent authorities before July 15, 2022, after which it will be updated to the scope of export registration of enterprises, and new export registration certificates will be generated and distributed to reflect the update. 

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