"General Requirements for Children's Snacks" is about to be implemented. China's snack market may have new innovations

On June 15, the association Standard of "General Requirements for Children's Snacks" was issued, it systematically regulated the nutritional health and safety of children's snacks. This is the first special standard for snacks in China and the first standard of snacks for children. This standard divides children into two stages according to age: 3 to 6 years (within 60 months) are pre-school children; 6 to 12 years are school-age children. According to the growth characteristics of children of different ages, determine the needs of different key nutrients.

Whether the children should eat snacks, Foodmate made a science video. Snacks refer to all foods and drinks except for three meals. Due to the large amount of exercise and small stomach capacity of children during growth period, three meals are difficult to meet the physical needs of. It is necessary to choose healthy snacks to supplement nutrition in a reasonable, timely and appropriate amount. Dairy products, fruits and vegetables, nuts and beans are all good choices.

The “General Requirements for Children’s Snacks” proposes that the fats and oils used in children’s snacks should not contain trans fatty acids. The snacks cannot use irradiated raw materials, add less sugar, salt, oil, and set limits for sodium chloride, sucrose, fat. The morphology of the product must not have obvious sharp protrusions, and the products taste without cracking. This standard is currently only a recommended standard and is not enforced.

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