GACC | Strengthening quarantine inspection of Barley and wheat imported from Australia

On September 1, the Department of Animal and Plant Quarantine of the General Administration of Customs issued the Notice on Strengthening the Quarantine of Barley and wheat imported from Australia, which involved the customs suspension of the declaration of barley shipped after September 1, 2020 (including) by CBH GRAIN PTY LTD., an Australian company. It is necessary to strengthen the quarantine of barley and wheat imported from Australia, pay special attention to the inspection and laboratory testing and identification of quarantine pests such as miscellaneous grass seeds, plant diseases and mollusks, and timely report the relevant situation to the General Administration of Health.

        9月1日,海关总署动植物检疫司发布《关于加强进口澳大利亚大麦小麦检疫的警示通报》,内容涉及各海关暂停受理澳大利亚CBH GRAIN PTY LTD企业2020年9月1日(含)后启运的大麦报关。要加强对进口澳大利亚大麦小麦检疫,重点关注杂草籽、植物病害、软体动物等检疫性有害生物的查验和实验室检测鉴定,并及时将有关情况报告总署等。

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