Chile intends to revise the sanitary requirements for meat products entering Chile


On November 19, 2021, the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture (SAG) issued an announcement to revise the sanitary requirements for processed meat products from cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry to enter Chile. The main revisions include:

(1) Scope: products made from cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry, or their mixtures, according to the type of processing: fresh raw processed meat products, mature raw processed meats, smoked meat products, cooked meat products;

(2) General conditions. Assess the competent authority of the country of origin in its structure, operation, organization and animal health information, and provide assurance of compliance; provide an official health certificate and the country’s health authority certifies the origin in the official language of the country of origin and Spanish, Certify that they meet the requirements of this resolution; slaughter companies and production companies’ products should be located in non-epidemic areas; raw materials must be born, raised and slaughtered in the exporting country or region, or imported live bodies that meet the sanitary requirements set by Chile for slaughter and processing;

(3) Animal slaughter companies and slaughter requirements. The slaughter company must also be registered with the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture, with pre-slaughter and post-slaughter inspections;

(4) Requirements of processing enterprises. Enterprise registration requirements, product identification and labeling requirements, and transportation requirements;

(5) Sanitary inspection requirements for entering Chilean. Specific requirements for the processing of different meat products.

The feedback period for this amendment is until January 19, 2022.

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