Kenyan fresh avocados still need time to reach China

Kenya's fresh avocados will have to wait longer to enter the Chinese market, according to African Business Daily.  
Due to the prevalence of fruit flies in Kenya, China has only allowed frozen avocados from Kenya to be exported to China since 2019.  But frozen avocados’ high cost stopped most Kenyan exporters from complying with the export requirements.  
At the end of February 2022, The China Daily: Overseas edition reported that fresh avocados produced in Kenya will enter the Chinese market after strict pest risk analysis by the Plant Health inspection and Quarantine authorities of China and Kenya.     
The Plant Health Inspectorate of Kenya (KEPHIS) said inspections of the applicant export company had been completed, but the Chinese side still needed to carry out virtual online inspections of the orchard and processing facilities.  More than 10 companies want to export avocados to China, and the inspection process is already underway.
Kenya is Africa's largest producer and exporter of avocados, with the annual season running from mid-February to November.  Avocados are an important agricultural export for Kenya, accounting for nearly half of the country's total fruit exports.  
Kenya exported 84,000 tons of avocados in 2021, with major destinations including the United Arab Emirates, Finland and France.  The Kenyan government has pointed out that China is expected to import 40 percent of Kenya's avocados, making it the country's largest overseas market.  

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